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Imagine a private, secure, personal library that you can access from any web browser and can decide who you want to share and collaborate with with a simple password. NeoNet Corp has developed a Made in Canada document management solution that solves the social network information privacy problem.
WebSonar is based on Virginia Systems' Sonar Professional search engine that was originally developed in 1988. WebSonar combines this powerful search engine with a standard web server to provide a flexible and scaleable, browser based information management solution.
WebSonar Libraries provide a platform for sharing that does not require users to trade their privacy. Every individual library can host an unlimited number of documents. Each Library's home page has a unique URL, provides search functions and a ten page looped slide show. The library's document access is controlled by the library owner.
There is no limit to the number of participants in a library group. Each group member can be provided with the upload password by the library owner so they can contribute content as well as participate in the exchange. You can set the access to your content to private or public. If it is set to private visitors will require the upload password to browse the content. Use the Comments link for discussion.
Privacy Statement:
WebSonar does not collect any information from your computer or from anyone accessing your library. If you have both Public Access and Edit Comments enabled your visitors will be able to make changes to your notes.
Security Statement:
WebSonar encrypts your password. We do not have access to your passwords. A forgotten password can not be retrieved. Your library can only be reset to default (to no credentials) if you have physical access to the server.
We Offer Five Scalable Solutions:
1 Library - $5.00 per month Hosted in our Data Center (free trial period, no registration required)
120 Libraries - $99.99 WebSonar Pro macOS app requires WAN IP address to serve to the Internet
3000 Libraries - $3000.00 Includes Mac Mini requires WAN IP address to serve to the Internet
Client apps for the iPad: CREATEit - Free includes in-app purchase to upgrade to CREATEit Pro CREATEit Pro - $17.99 Includes the ability to create and export items and slide presentations