School Libraries Network:

South Carolina Lexington District One
Lexington Technology Center
WebSonar Library Links

WebSonar provides a web server with a search engine that dynamically creates a web site. You simply upload files to your WebSonar library folder. Your music, videos, photos and documents can now be searched, viewed, retrieved and annotated from any web browser. Think of it as rolling Google, FaceBook, Flicker, YouTube, DropBox and WordPress into one simple application minus the spam and privacy concerns.

The Lexington Technology Center Staff, Students, Guests and Courses Groups contain sample WebSonar libraries.








Some Creations made with CREATEit on an iPad

Children Will Take a Chance Excel Introducing CREATEit Dream Big Create Great Fun Play Practise Paint Music Sing Along No Tracking - No Ads - No In App Sales Great Fun Blackboard Whiteboard Teach The New Muse Muse Clothing Company Discovery The Trouble with Apples Learn Combine Painting and Photo Images The Power of Visual Presentation An Incredible Gift Made in Canada